Dear all, to ensure safety and to prevent further cases of coronavirus transmission, SIOS will continue to provide telehealth consultations where applicable for pre-operative, post-operative and follow up appointments until further notice.
The telehealth consultations will mainly fall on current clinic reduced session times which are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Over the next few months your follow up appointments that have been provided to you, following your surgery will be offered as Telehealth/Phone Consult where applicable on the above mentioned days. One of our staff members will contact you via phone, email or text message to confirm your consultations.
Any concerns about the above please call SIOS 02 9716 3522 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to speak with the reception team or alternatively send an email to
If you require medical support following your surgery please call the SIOS after hours Mobile 0408 409 725 (calls only DO NOT Text).
Please keep safe.
SIOS team